AQA GCSE Physics P3.1 'Medical Applications' Revision PowerPoint

This is a Powerpoint presentation I made a few months ago for people (like me) taking AQA Physics in triple science. It was created using resources such as AQA's own specification and the offical revision guide published by Nelson Thornes.

It is for the topic 'Medical Applications' (P3.1) and is split into:

  • X-Rays
  • Ultrasound
  • Refractive Index
  • Endoscope
  • Lenses
  • The Eye

The file format is '.ppsx' so people that don't have Microsoft Office should still be able to open it with other applications.

Hope you find it helpful and good luck with all your exams! :D


P.S This presentation may be updated or refined in the future - but don't hold me to that!



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