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Simple and highly useful, flashcards have a question on one side and answer on the other. Use them to test your knowledge of tricky facts and figures, or for straightforward Q & A’s. Alternatively, customise your flashcards with words & definitions, theory & explanation, or whatever information you need to learn fast.

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Epidemiology today is largely directed at...?
Chronic disease
1 of 16
What are the determinants of disease?
Host, Agent and environment
2 of 16
A factor that can influence the exposure to disease causing agents ?
Immunocompromised or nutritionally deficient
3 of 16
What is an endemic?
The constant low level presence of a disease or infection defined to a geographic location
4 of 16
What is attack rate ?
the cumulative incidence of infection in a population observed over a period of time during an epidemic
5 of 16
What is incidence?
No. of new events occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time
6 of 16
What is prevelence?
proportion of people who have a specific condition at any specified time - the number of new and exsisting cases / the total population
7 of 16
What is aetiology?
postulated cause of disease specifically those that utilise pathogenic medium
8 of 16
What is latency/latent period?
the delay between exposure and disease , the period of initiation of infection to its detection
9 of 16
The incubation period is the....
time between first contact with an infectious agent and the appearance of the first disease symptom
10 of 16
What is morbidity?
the relative incidence of a disease
11 of 16
What is the odds ratio formula?
odds that an exposed person develops the disease / odds that a non-exposed person develops the disease
12 of 16
What are the first 3 steps in an outbreak investigation?
preliminary epidemiologic investigation -> environmental investigation -> Specimen collection & lab analysis
13 of 16
What are the final 3 steps in an outbreak investigation?
Implementation of control measures -> case control study -> conclusion and dissemination of findings
14 of 16
What is an experimental study?
a study in which conditions are in direct control of the investigator
15 of 16
A cohort study examines....
any designated group individuals who are followed or traced over time
16 of 16

What’s unique about Get Revising’s Flashcards?

Making flashcards on Get Revising is really simple and straightforward, so you can maximise the time you spend actually revising. Memorise difficult vocabulary for languages, the meaning of tricky scientific terms or the dates of historic events.

What are you called? (familiar)
Wie heißt du?
1 of 45
What are you called? (polite)
Wie heißen Sie?
2 of 45
How are you?
Wie geht's?/ Wie geht es dir?
3 of 45
Not well at all
Überhaupt nicht gut
4 of 45
How old are you? (familiar)
Wie alt bist du?
5 of 45
How old are you? (polite)
Wie alt sind sie?
6 of 45
Where do you come from? (familiar)
Woher kommst du?
7 of 45
Where do you come from? (polite)
Woher kommen sie?
8 of 45
I come from ...
Ich komme aus
9 of 45
10 of 45
11 of 45
12 of 45
13 of 45
14 of 45
15 of 45
16 of 45
der Schweiz
17 of 45
18 of 45
Great Britain
19 of 45
20 of 45
Where do you live? (familiar)
Wo wohnst du?
21 of 45
Where do you live? (polite)
Wo wohnen Sie?
22 of 45
I live in ...
Ich wohne in
23 of 45
How do you spell...?
Wie schreibt man?
24 of 45
You spell it
Man schreibt das
25 of 45
26 of 45
What is that?
Was ist das?
27 of 45
That is
Das ist
28 of 45
Root for "a"
29 of 45
a glue-stick
ein Klebstift
30 of 45
a pen
ein Kuli
31 of 45
a calculator
ein Taschenrechner
32 of 45
a pair of scissors
ein schere
33 of 45
a schoolbag
eine Schultasche
34 of 45
a book
ein Buch
35 of 45
a pencil case
ein Etui
36 of 45
an exercise book
ein Heft
37 of 45
a ruler
ein Lineal
38 of 45
a dictionary
ein Wörterbuch
39 of 45
a rubber
ein Radiergummi
40 of 45
a sharpener
ein Spitzer
41 of 45
Do you have...? (familiar)
Hast du?
42 of 45
Do you have...? (polite)
haben sie
43 of 45
When is your birthday? (familiar)
Wann hast du Geburtstag?
44 of 45
When is your birthday? (polite)
Wann haben Sie Geburtstag?
45 of 45

Creative ways to use your Flashcards

Flashcards are a fantastic tool for last minute cramming, as you’ll be able to take in fast facts with simple but effective question and answers. Grab some friends who also want to revise and test each other using your personalised resources.

War against France
1512-13 (failure)
1 of 60
Battle of Spurs
1513 (success)
2 of 60
Battle of Flodden
1513 (success)
3 of 60
Anglo-French Treaty
1514 (success)
4 of 60
Traditionalist historians argue
Wolsey wanted to maintain the balance of power
5 of 60
G.R. Elton
Wolsey sometimes allied with strongest power
6 of 60
flexibility of policy, difficult to identify one guiding principle
7 of 60
The treaty of london
1518 (success)
8 of 60
Field of Cloth Of Gold
1520 (little diplomatic use)
9 of 60
3 power conferance at Calais
10 of 60
Treaty of Cognac
1526 (achieved nothing)
11 of 60
Diplomatic Revolution
1525 (failure)
12 of 60
Treaty of Westminister
13 of 60
Sack of Rome
1527 (disastrous for Henry)
14 of 60
Peace of Cambrai
1529 (failure)
15 of 60
Wolsey became cardinal in
16 of 60
wolsey made papal legate
17 of 60
Duke of Buckingham executed
18 of 60
George Cavandish
lifelong servant, close proximity, no knowledge of political life
19 of 60
Polydore Vergil
anti-wolsey, personal feud, cast to tower in 1515
20 of 60
Edward Hall
no personal grudge, anti-cleric, supportive of break with rome, fracophobe
21 of 60
John Skelton
satirical poet, mercilessly mocks wolsey, played on flaws
22 of 60
Court of Star Chamber
royal court used by the kings subjects
23 of 60
court of charcery
decisions here that create legal precedants, cases on property etc
24 of 60
national enquiry into enclosed land`
25 of 60
Wolsey raised
£325,000 parliamentary subsides, £250000 (loans), 118,000 15ths&10ths
26 of 60
Amicable Grant
1525 (failure)
27 of 60
Purge of privy chamber
1519, expelling rising stars in tudor court
28 of 60
Hunne Affair
29 of 60
'defence of the seven sacraments'
1521, penned by thomas more, earned henry defender of the faith
30 of 60
improvement in the intellectual and moral standards of the clergy
31 of 60
radicals, followed wyclif, challanged papal authority, english bible
32 of 60
solo scriptura, justification by faith alone, priesthood of all believers
33 of 60
Supplication of the ordinaries
1532, churchs legal system under Henry's control
34 of 60
Act of Annates
1532, ended payments to the pope
35 of 60
New Archbishop
1532, Cramner, held reformed views and sympathetic to divorce
36 of 60
Act in restraint of appeals
1533, ended appeals to rome and now heard by english courts
37 of 60
Henry's marriage decalred void
May 1533, Catherine couldnt appeal to Rome
38 of 60
Act of dispensations
1534, stopped payments to rome including peter's pence
39 of 60
Act of dispensations
failure to abide resulted in praeminure, all future dispensations issued by Cram
40 of 60
Act of succession
1534, registered validility of Henrys marriage to Anne
41 of 60
Act of supremacy
1534, henry made head of the church
42 of 60
Treason ACT
1534, silenced potential opponents
43 of 60
Valor Ecclesiasticus
1535, cromwell surveyed all ecclesiastical property
44 of 60
dissolution of smaller monastries
1536, dissolution of houses with income less than £200 a year
45 of 60
Court of augmentations
46 of 60
surrender of greater monastries
47 of 60
Lincolnshire Rising
October 1536
48 of 60
Yorkshire Rising
Oct-Dec 1536, Robert Aske, 30,000 men marched
49 of 60
reformist ideas, new archbishop
50 of 60
masterminded the supremacy
51 of 60
Robert Barnes
Lutheran employed on Germanic diplomatic missions
52 of 60
Anne Boleyn
crucial in promoting reformers at court
53 of 60
The Ten Articles
1536, shift to Protestantism, only three sacraments, catholic stance on eucharist ignored
54 of 60
The bishops book
1537, acknowledge 4 sacraments but deemed them lesser, protestant
55 of 60
Official Bible in english translation
3,000 bibles printed in 1539
56 of 60
Anne miscarried
1536, deformed baby
57 of 60
Anne's fall
May 1536 commited with multiple adultry
58 of 60
Cromwell's fall
June 1540
59 of 60
Act of six articles
1539, confirmed trans, private mass and confession and shift to catholocism
60 of 60