Yalta Events And Potsdam Events


Yalta Events And Potsdam Events


  • Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
  • Germany was split including Berlin
  • All agreed to join the League of Nations
  • Stalin agreed to fight in Japan after WW2 to gain more land
  • Stalin could create a 'Soviet Sphere of Influence'
  • They wanted to add the land to Poland but Churchill and Roosevelt did not agree however they knew they would not win as the USSR had more power. So instead, they agreed to let Stalin do it if he did not interfere in Greece where they were trying to prevent the Communists from taking over.


  • Truman, Stalin and Attlee
  • July 1945
  • There was more tension at this conference as Truman had less trust and more dislike for Communism so did not negotiate will with Stalin.
  • Churchill had lost the previous election
  • They did not agree on how much reparations Germany should pay
  • They also mentioned that in Eastern Europe where the USSR controlled, there should be free elections however Stalin did not keep his word on this and arrested the non communist leaders.
  • Truman did not tell Stalin about the Atomic bomb and set it off in Japan killing thousands meaning he did not need his help anymore . This raised suspicions.

Overall comparison

In Yalta, even though they did not always agree, they could negotiate however, in Potsdam, with little trust this was not possible, For example the atomic bomb, Stalin arresting the anti communist leaders and continuing to quickly expand his sphere of influence. 


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