Weimar Republic Golden Years - Political


Weimar Republic Golden Years - Political


  • Over 61% voted for pro-republican parties in May 1924.
  • Elections showed a return of support for the Weimar Republic in 1924.
  • Extreme right wing decreased as well as extreme left wing by 1928
  • DDP were stable.
  • DVP were stable with Stresemann.
  • Between 1924-1928 the Nazi Party lost votes.


  • There were 7 coalition governments between 1924-1928.
  • Right wing parties still had significant amount of power.
  • Disputes about minor issues could cause the fall of governments.
  • Divisions - parties unwilling to work together such as SPD and DNVP.
  • SPD focused on their own agenda, the Centre Party lost support and became slightly right wing.
  • When Stresemann dies the government crumbles (DVP).
  • DNVP move towards Nazism.
  • KPD want their evolution.


Stresemanns aims - make reparations tolerable, make Germans who lived abroad protected and re-adjust eastern frontiers. Fulfillment - ERFULLUNGSPOLITIK - involved German cooperation with France, Britain, USA and Italy. Revising the Treaty of Versailles. Stresemann was able to keep hyperinflation under control, reassure France of peaceful intentions and remove foreign forces from the Rhur.


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