Volpone, Ben Jonson

AO4 context:


Volpone quotes


  • Deception: "now my feigned cough, my phthisic, and my gout" Mosca: "What thoughts he has without now, as he walks:/ That this may be the last gift he should give" "Stay, sir; your ointment for your eyes" "A freezing numbness stiffens all his joints" Peregrine: " [...] There was a whale discovered in the river"
  • Sin/greed: "Open the shrine that I may see my saint" "The price of souls,even hell [...] Is made worth heaven" "Set the plate away./ The vulture is gone the old raven's come" Cobacc: "[...] I have brought him/An opiate here from mine own doctor" Mosca about Corvino: "And he has brought you a rich pearl"
  • Justice: Corvino: "What couldst thou propose/Less to thyself.." "Then , [Showing her a chastity belt] here's a lock which I/will hang upon thee" "[...] The party you wot of/Shall be mine own wife, Mosca" Celia: "Sir, kill me rather. I will take down poison" Bonario "Free the forced lady or thou diest, impostor"
  • Women/marriage: "Free the forced lady or thou diest, imposter" Volpone "Lady, I kiss your bounty.." " [...] Go, and make thee straight/ In all thy best attire, thy choicest jewels;" "Then [showing her a chastity belt] here's a lock which I/ will hang upon thee" Corvino "Do I not know, if women have a will/ They'll do 'gainst all the wathes o' the world?"
  • Volpone lies about his illness. Mosca agrees with the idea that Volpone is ill and encourages others to believe so too. Deceives the raven, and the vulture in thinking that he is going to die. Peregrine makes it seem as though Sir Politic is knowledgable but acts maliciously by speaking of events that aren't true. Sir Politic believes the events that Peregrine says (Pere deceives a fool)
  • Volpone treats the gold he has like a shrine and worships it, this would have been considered a sin. Greed is also witnessed in the play when Volpone takes all the gifts he receives from the people who think he's dying, he has a lot as it is.
  • Celia is entrapped by her husband who is very protective over her because of her beauty, she deserves justice. She is handed over to Volpone (as though she is some sort of item) she despises that she is given away like that and wants to have more of a say, Bonario saves her from the injustice she faces
  • Women are seen as assets of the household, mad to look pretty and in someways are seen as a trophy wife. Celia is seen as a trophy wife to Corvino.Volpone admires Celia's beauty suggesting that a chaste and submissive woman was a beautiful woman. Corvino argues that women have a great sexual appetite and if they had a will it would not benefit them, rather it will corrupt the order of society.


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