Unit 3.3 - The Competitive Environment


Unit 3.3 - The Competitive Environment - Benefits of competition


  • Price - Higher competition levels  mean businesses have less influence on making prices higher. Lower for consumer.
  • Quality - High competition means businesses need to compete on quality of the goods and services so they do not lose customers to competitors.
  • Choice - More businesses providing products mean consumers have a wider range to choose from.
  • Efficiency - High competition forces businesses to be efficient and remain competitive.


  • Companies may partake in bad practices and can lead to disadvantages of high competition levels such as :
  • Increased pollution
  • Unfair trade
  • Social and ethical issues - child labour and bad work conditions.
  • High risk of unemployment


Competition is beneficial for consumers as the businesses need to keep improving by producing high quality goods at a lower price so they can gain more sales than rivals.


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