Tsarist Russia: The Russian Army


Tsarist Russia: The Russian Army


  • Had 1 million soldiers (Largest in Europe)
  • Never lost a battle: big reputation
  • Soldiers were given special privileges e.g. exempt from tax


  • Most Expensive in Europe
  • Lived over regimented life with marriage and children controlled
  • Inadequacies in recruitment provisioning and admin
  • Annual recruitment was 1-2% of eligible males between 20-35
  • Inferior weapons and ammunition with low morale
  • Mortality rates were high
  • There was corruption and embezzlement with doctors and engineers falsifing costs
  • There was too much control of higher class


The Negatives overpower the Strengths of the Russian Army and it wasn't long before they would lose a battle due to the low health of recruits and the inadequacies of the weapondry


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