Treaty Of Versailles


Treaty Of Versailles


  • Germant lost the Great War
  • Winning countries didn't want to forgive and forget
  • The allies wanted a peace treaty after the armistice


  • Germany had to accept full blame for the war. This caused a phycological effect on the people of Germany who believed the responsibility should be shared. It made them pay for reparations.
  • Germany had to pay reparations of 136,000 million marks to the allies.
  • Germany military forces were cut, (no tanks, no submarines, no airforce, army limited to 100,000 men, navy limited to 6 battleships, 6 cruises, 12 destroyers and 12 torpedo boats.) This put them at a disadvantage and made them look weak if another war was going to happen.
  • Germany lost 13% of its European territory - it lost 50% of its iron reserves and 15% of its coal reserves
  • Germany lost all 11 colonies in Africa and the Far East to victorious countries to look after.

Overall summary

The German government were shocked about the harshness of the treaty. it was called the "shameful diktat" as the German government had no say I negotiations and were forced to sign incase of another war. they had been forced to accept terms that were unfair and deliberately humiliating. Many German people were angry about the government signing the treaty. the politicians who signed it were known as the "November criminals" and were hated for their actions. The German government believed they had been "stabbed in the back" by their own government. Many people were determined to undermine the new government, and several politicians were assassinated. 


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