Tom Buchanan

  • Created by: Lily
  • Created on: 22-04-13 23:28



  • Stubborn, strong, ignorant, selfish, hypocrite, racist, sexist, serial adulterer, vicious, intelligent, intolerant, angry, a bully, proud, insecure, vicious, cold
  • Tom is the wife of Daisy and the main Antagonist of the story. Through Nicks narrative he is presented as an immense, hulking brute of man who is proud of what he has achieved. Tom is reflective of the "valley of ashes", a society in decay. His aristocratic attitude and rigid idealism of the distinction of social class. As an "old money", upper class, white male he believes that he is the epitome of society therefore views himself superior over the likes of Gatsby and Wilson.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Similarly to Daisy Tom exhibits no change throughout the novel. He still remains in his secure, privilged position at the end of the novel despite the events and the violence. His emotionless, intolerant mask only slips at one point within the novel. When in fear of losing Daisy he does display a moral panic and miserable concern over the loss of his family. However, initially this is perceived as his love for his wife, it is actually fear over the potential loss of his social standing. His position in society is everything to Tom and without it he is nothing but the failed sports star. His life with Daisy reigns him supreme. He is white, he is wealthy, he has power, he has a beautiful family with an immaculate house. If he lost Daisy he would no longer have the "perfect life". This perfection is a grotesque manipulation of the American Dream.
  • It is implied that Tom has cheated on his wife many times, "every once in a while I go off and make a fool of myself". This disregard for his marriage vows yet anger over Daisys infidelity highlights his hypocrisy and belief that as a wealthy white male he is superior.
  • Tom is revealed to be a former sports star yet little mention is given to his career. This provides a deeper basis to the character, setting the grounds of insecurity. Perhaps the reason Tom is so cold and stiff is because he is mournfull over his failure to become a "self made man" through his sports. Tom had no need for sport and lived without it. Perhaps he is jealous of Gatsbys supposed achievement of the ultimate American Dream whilst he has failed.


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