TNCS shell in nigeria goon people in Bodo


TNCS shell in nigeria goon people in bodo


  • it provides direst employment for 65000 Nigerian workers and 250000 indirect jobs


  • most oil productions is in the hand of a foreign MNC such as shell rather than the Nigerian firms and business.. this means that profits go abroad than stay in Nigeria
  • forests are destroyed by either the building of oil refineries or oil spills
  • local people claim that companies such as shell don't clean their pipes or lookvafter them neither clean up the mess they've made.there was a major oil spill in the village of Bodo in 2008/9. where 11 million gallons of crude oil spilt over 20km
  • higher pay management jobs don't go to Nigerians but to the british and american's living in Nigeria
  • oil spills damage agriculture and reduce soil fertility
  • oil spills heated by the sun become highly flammable and can cause huge fires that burn out of control and destroy vegetation and farmland
  • oil spills kills fish and their habitat and food
  • flares burn off gas produced by digging up the oil instead of dealing with it by the right experienced people because it is cheaper. the fumes affects peoples health


on a whole scale of disadvantages and advantages of TNC shell it is clearly seen the massive contrast between how many negatives their are than positives.however on the other hand the people in Bodo including the ogonitribe do get employment and  minimum wages from the TNc but it is causing more damage tot the people lives than how little the money is worth . damage such as oil spillage that takes a catastrophic amount of money to get the right people to dispose of it properly and the government isn't going to help due to the corruption going on so the helpless people are forced upon to deal with it themselves and not do it properly. another example would be the effect oil can have not only on the environment but on humans . flares burn off gas produced by digging up the oil. the oil companies choose to burn the gas instead of dealing with it sustainably . the fumes affect peoples lives . in conclusion yes ,TNCs are helping with employment but oil companies cause more damage to people than help not only to people but to the environment to


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