The Yugoslav Conflict

  • Created by: Callum
  • Created on: 09-02-14 14:37

The Yugoslav Conflict


  • Historical Hostility, the Serbs had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire which conflicted with the Austro-Hungarian Empire that ruled Croatia.
  • Ethnic tensions, the Serbs believed they belonged to a different 'ethnic' group to the Croats, who believed the same thing.
  • Religious differences (Serbs and Montenegrins = Orthodox, Croatia and Slovenia = Roman Catholic, Bosnia, Macedonia and Albania = Muslim (and Orthodox/Catholic for Bosnia and Orthodox for Macedonia)
  • Death of Tito.
  • Federal Army being dominated by Serbian officers.
  • Presidents of each republic, particularly Croatia and Serbia, being nationalists.
  • The European Union coming into being in 1991 (following Maastricht Treaty).
  • Poor economic conditions
  • Rotating presidency of Federation
  • Different standards of living across the Federation.
  • Collapse of other Communist countries
  • Multi-Party System developing


  • Very poor relations between the mainly nationalists leaders of the six Republics
  • Mass genocide of the Serbs by Croats (Ustase) in WWII.
  • Country lacked a strong central leader like Tito that held the country together
  • The Presidents failed to compromise to solve the economic problems, which spiralled out of control, instead they used Nationalist and Political ideology to cover up their economic blunders
  • The foundation of the EU in 1991 and its predecessor the EC had led to increased calls for looser confederation like the EU
  • The richer republics of Slovenia and Croatia resented the taxes they paid for the poorer republics and wished to break away to stop paying these
  • Richer republics saw an individual involvement in EU as more beneficial than the Federation as it was a far bigger trading bloc that would allow greater Autonomy
  • The Serbs inherited the 4th largest army in Europe due to having a majority in it, making them more likely to resort to armed conflict.
  • The Yugoslavs wanted to end Communist rule to allow private growth, this then led to a multi-party system which led to non-Communists becoming part of a Communist government, making the government more divided.
  • The multi-party system led to Presidents who were pro-Capitalists, making aid from similar ideological states (e.g. US or EU) more likely, which made Presidents more likely to declare independence if they had international support.

Overall summary

Overall, the Yugoslav Federation broke up mainly due to two factors; the rise of the European Union and the unwillingness of the six Republics Presidents to compromise. The former made it inevitable that the republics who were part of European enlargement plans would ask for a Federation more along these EU lines, if not membership itself. The latter led to Federation being unable to deal with the major problems it faced; the economical situation, the ethnic tensions and the issue the people, particularly Democrats had with the constitution. 


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