The Race Relations Act 1976


The Race Relations Act 1976


  • The act is recognised to all public bodies, eg. NHS to make services accessible to people with different types of racial issues such as cultural differences
  • there is emphasis on promoting good relationships between different racial groups rather than preventing racial discrimination
  • both direct and indirect discrimination must be eliminated
  • Less institutional racism e.g. reopening of Stephen Lawrence case welcomed
  • Reduced discrimination in employment
  • Reduces barriers to access


  • Forms of redress require individuals to know their right and also to know how to ensure their rights are maintained
  • it is difficult to know what happens on a daily basis in care settings unless poor practice is monitored
  • legislation doesn't change deeply held attitudes
  • Laws can be passed but it is difficult to ‘police’ attitudes, views and opinions of individuals when they occur in private homes.
  • Individuals don't always know their rights.


Set up commission for racial equality. Illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race in public areas. Covers segregation, victimisation and harassment. Allows positive action but not positive discrimination. Set up commission for race equality. Includes race, culture, ethnicity and national origin 


Sam Morran


I like a resource that highlights advantages and disadvantages - makes a really easy card to use for revision - clearly summarised and concise.