The nature of sleep - the stages of sleep

  • Created by: steph
  • Created on: 16-12-13 19:35

The nature of sleep - the stages of sleep


  • The most recent dream method of asking people to write down their last dream makes it possible to collect dream data from wide, representative samples in large quantities
  • The most recent dream method has good ecological validity
  • Lab studies enable representative samples
  • Lab studies are well controlled
  • Research has found htere are gender differences in the content of dreams and that sleeping patterns change with age


  • There are large individual differences
  • Dream diaries rely on retrospective reporting - memory for dreams is poor
  • Dream reports are open to investigator effects + demand characteristics
  • Cannot be sure that dreams represent a true memory of dream events as they're subjective
  • 'Plot' may be due to our imagination _filling in the gaps in order to form a coherent story
  • When asked to make up dreams, people can do so convincingly (Cavallero et al 92)
  • It is difficult to research the nature of REM sleep (REM + dreaming are not identical)
  • Unrepresentative samples (Self selecting volunteers, often students)
  • P's may pick dramatic or puzzling dreams
  • P's may pick delibertly bland dreams which are not personally revealing
  • Lab studies have poor ecological validity are time consuming and expensive
  • Interpretation is difficult - P's vary in length and detail of dream diaries, women tend to write a lot more than men
  • Although sleep complaints are twice as prevalent in women, 75% of research has been conducted on men


There are 5 stages of sleep: Stages 1,2,3,4+ REM (rapid eye movement)Further research needed in order to discover what the exact purpose of each stage of sleep is




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