The Humeral and Cell Mediated Response

How the immune system works in 8 steps.

  • Created by: Eva
  • Created on: 10-01-13 18:43



Humeral Response: T-helper activation (1: Pathogen enters)

Humeral Response: T-helper activation (2: Creation of a APC)

Humeral Response: T-helper activation (3: T-helper cell activation)

Humeral Response: Effector stage (1: Formation of B-effector cells)

Humeral Response: Effector stage (1: Formation of B-effector cells)

Cell-mediated Response (1: Making an APC): 

Cell-mediated Response (2: T-killer cell activation): 

Cell-mediated Response (3: T-killer attack!): 


Pete Barnes: GR Director


Really good use of the timeline tool to guide users through phases like this. Great stuff :)