The Death Penalty

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 04-05-14 17:41

The Death Penalty


  • They will not do it again. People who have broken laws in society are not released back or kept in society.
  • fewer murderers and criminals in society.


  • it doesn't furfill the aims of a punishment
  • how reliable is the judge? you could be killing an innocent person.
  • Harrowing for families.
  • dosent really solve anything. Tu Quoque- two wrongs dont make a right.
  • There are other options E.G prision, which is a good enough deterrent.


After considering all the advantages and disadvantages i have come to the conclusion that the case of 'The Death Penalty' is in no way black and white. Due to the fact that we now live in a civilised society, it is difficult to say wether 'The Death Penalty' can ever be justified because many people have different views, for example religious believers would be against it because they believe that taking a life, even in this context, is playing god. However, some people think that a person who takes a life should have their own life taken, an eye for and eye if you will. Furthermore, due to the fact we live in a civilised society it is seen as 'human nature' to not want to kill someone, let alone someone who could possibly be innocent. Therefore, the debate of 'the death penalty' will never be able to be truly justified while people's opinions in the world are so varied. 


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