The Black Death and the Great plague

  • Created by: Meghna
  • Created on: 29-05-13 15:17

The Black Death and the Great plague


  • Many still believed God had sent the plague as a punishment for their sins - government ordered for days of public prayer  and fasting so people would publicly confess their sins and beg God for mercy
  • Others still blamed the movement of the planets as they did in the 14th century
  • Blamed the poisonous air
  • Still no cures found for the plague
  • Doctors followed their clients out of London to the countryside
  • Both were spread by rats
  • Houses were marked with a red cross and 'Lord have mercy upon us'
  • Blamed minor groups


  • It seems that there was a more scientific approach to understanding the plague - weekly bills of mortality were kept and some observers linked dirt with disease as they saw that the highest number of deaths were from the poorest, dirtiest parishes where people were crammed into the worst housing
  • Methods of preventing the spread of the plague were more carefully planned out - the mayor of London did a lot more to help
  • Victims were shut up in their houses with watchmen on guard to stop people from going in or out
  • When a person died 'women searchers' were sent to examine the body to check that the plague was the cause - surgeons would confirm their findings
  • The victims' bedding was hung over the smoke of fires before it could be used again
  • Fires were lit in streets to cleanse the air of poisons
  • Householders were ordered to sweep their streets in front of their doors - making the city cleaner
  • Pigs, dogs, cats and other animals were ordered to be kept inside - this hindered the prevention of the plague as it was spread by rats and now there was nothing to kill them
  • Public events eg plays were banned to prevent the gathering of large crowds
  • People had began to see the link between dirt and disease but couldn't explain it scientifically

Overall comparison

It seems there was mostly change in the treatment of the plague from 1348 and 1665. People were beginning to see links between dirt and disease and although this couldn't be explained scientifically they were able to begin making links which was a start for them. Also the examining of corpses and keeping of records helped to stop the plague and was more scientific than before. These things may have only made a small difference to ending the plague but in the end did help to stop it. 



