The Stock Market

  • Created by: cactiella
  • Created on: 25-02-17 15:54

The Stock Market


  • People would make money from profits made on their shares
  • Expands businesses and makes loads of money
  • Appears to be easy money
  • Raising capital to expand business


  • Banks use people's savings to buy shares
  • People ended up forgetting that the stock market could go down as well as up
  • The price of the share was determined on how much people wanted to spend on it
  • Unpredictable
  • Investing in the stock market is easily comparable to gambling


The stock market was and still is a risky business- but this was one of the thrills for people in the 1920s. Before the Wall Street Crash, people were wealthier due to their shares increasing in price. However, people invested their savings so when the Crash did come, people ended up living in poverty.




I think the stock market is a good thing for the people who have a lot of money to invest, but for the majority of people, it's not profitable. You can also make money from worldventures income disclosure 2016 as they are making people rich. If you invest your own money, you can lose it in a very short period of time. The rich people are not all evil. They can be nice, helpful and generous.



عائد الاستثمار من خلال الأسهم أعلى من أي شكل آخر من أشكال الاستثمار ، مثل السندات أو الممتلكات أو الصناديق المشتركة. المخاطرة ليست عالية جدًا مقارنة بأشكال الاستثمار الأخرى نظرًا لوجود العديد من الشركات التي تميل إلى الأداء الجيد بمرور الوقت وإذا كنت تستثمر في مثل هذه الشركات ، فسيكون من السهل عليك جني الأرباح منها. هناك بعض شركات شحن في الاردن التي يمكنها مساعدتك في هذا الصدد. على الرغم من وجود العديد من المزايا التي تأتي مع الاستثمار في سوق الأوراق المالية ، إلا أن هناك أيضًا عيوبًا يجب على المرء مراعاتها قبل اتخاذ أي قرار نهائي۔