The Ruhr crisis

  • Created by: LBlack
  • Created on: 30-05-17 18:01

The Ruhr crisis


  • The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany into paying reparations in small amounts regularly
  • In 1921 a payment of £50 million was paid
  • In 1922 nothing was paid as Germany was struggling to financially support itself.
  • In 1923 the French grew impatient of waiting for the Germans to pay so alongside the Belgians they invaded the Ruhr one of Germany's largest industrial sites.
  • This was disastrous for Germany as it was a large economic centre


  • Germany began passive resistance, where its workers refused to work
  • French killed 100 workers and 10,000 were expelled from the region for protesting
  • the halt in production but continuence to pay for the strikers led to hyperinflation
  • Strike halted in 1923 but French left in 1924

Overall summary

German Economic Struggles combined with the French own personal struggles led to the area being invaded which caused a period of process of passive resistance which led to hyperinflation making Germany in an even worse position 


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