The Relevance of Positive Psychology in Today's Society

  • Created by: chlopayne
  • Created on: 16-04-19 13:13

The Relevance of Positive Psychology in Today's Society


  • Positive emotions are linker to better health and a longer life.
  • Based on the idea of free will. People choose to try mindfulness and able to stop if it doesn't work for them.
  • Tools to stop negative phases help to see positive aspects of lives.
  • Happiness is linked with motivation (Harvard 2015).
  • Anyone can do it anywhere and at anytime.


  • Cannot draw a causal relationship - happy because you're healthy or healthy because you're happy?
  • Ignores individual differences.
  • May give a positive outlook but it doesn't treat any underlying issues.
  • Adding a mindfulness course in eduction would take away time for other subjects, also there is limited funding.
  • Worrying and stress is a healthy coping mechanism.


In summary, whilst there are multiple reasons why positive society may not be relevant in today's society, the relevance of positive psychology in today's society seems to be important for people and society. It improves people's health and wellbeing, including increasing the longevity of life, gives people the choice to improve themselves - including healthy people, stops negative thinking and can even improve motivation. 


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