The Lovell Rebellion

  • Created by: Ayesha
  • Created on: 16-05-16 16:14

The Lovell Rebellion


  • Rebellion was headed by Francis, Viscount Lovell, along with the Stafford brothers, Thomas and Humphrey.


  • Outcomes - the Stafford brothers were arrested; Humphrey was executed, Thomas was spared.
  • Lovell fled Jasper Tudor to Burgundy.


  • Yorkist opportunities - They attempted to raise forces in the North and the Midlands; after it was crushed, they realised that they needed a figurehead, such as a pretender/Yorkist Prince.
  • Henry's opportunities - laws were altered so that anyone who committed treason could not take up sanctuary.


  • All three people involved thrived under Yorkist rule and despised the Tudors.
  • They had been in sanctuary since the Battle of Bosworth.


Kevin and Tracy Seals Abomination


helpful thanks-Tom C