The Creation of Soviet Satellite States


The Creation of Soviet Satellite States


  • The Soviet Union wanted to expand its influence across Eastern Europe due to their desire for more security.
  • The Soviet Union had been invaded twice by Germany - 1914 and 1941 - and suffered huge casualties in the world wars.
  • Stalin created Soviet-controlled states as a buffer zone against future invasions.


  • Security for the Soviet Union. Eastern Europe was now able to act as a buffer zone against any future invasion from the West.
  • Increased rivalry/tension. The USA, Britain and France believed Stalin's motives were political - the expansion of Soviet views and communism throughout Eastern Europe, like the Long Telegram.
  • The Soviet Union now had control of Eastern Europe. This confirmed the divisions between the East and West stated in Churchill's 'Iron Curtain' speech.

Overall summary

The Soviet Union felt unsafe due to past invasions during both of the world wars and set up satellite states in order to protect themselves, whilst also ensuring the expansion of Soviet control and communism. This resulted in increased tension between the East and the West and more distrust.


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