"The Chrisitan teaching that marriage for life is outdated"

  • Created by: Kwang184
  • Created on: 14-05-17 00:04

"The Chrisitan teaching that marriage for life is outdated"


  • It is unrealistic to stay with one person forever.
  • People can fall out of love.
  • Problems may arise such as adultery, infertility, parenting, etc
  • It is easy to get out of marriage, divorces are becoming more common in today society.
  • Cohabiting is gradually getting more appealing in todays world, belief that marriage is only a piece of paper.
  • People can't expect to stay in an unhappy marriage.
  • Most celebrities now a days are getting married multiple times, suggest that they are not good role models as they may influence the younger generation.


  • People want to follw traditions and get married for life.
  • Some people can follow their marriage vows"till death do us part"
  • Members of socirty who have been marriage at the for 40,50,60 years


As we live in different society there are crucial arguments for this question as many would agree that we live in different society than the teaching and many would also agree that to be a good Christian- must follow the teaching. As we experience the world today there are many problems with marriage in today society this may be abuse in the family, parenting or even addiction, these things never happened before the teachings  and also trust Is lost in today society, it may be hard keeping marriage together and following traditions but there are up and down turns in todays world different from the Christian teaching and also many would agree that the Christian teaching is out of date as it is written many years ago and there are changes in todays world than Jesus's time.


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