Tar sand oil resource - benefits/costs


Tar sand oil resource - benefits/costs


  • 300 billion barrels of oil in tar-sands - which is equivalent to Saudi-Arabian oil reserves, therefore- dependence on middle eastern region oil supplies would be reduced.
  • tar-oil extraction would make profits for the major oil companies.
  • tax benefits for countries with tar-sands
  • continued production of oil would avoid the costs of switching to other fuels  such as hydrogen.


  • heavy oils in tar-sands produce 3 times as much CO2 than 'light oils'.
  • tar-oil extraction uses vast quantities of water - 6 barrels of water for each barrel of oil.
  • ancient spruce forests will be cleared to get to oil-rich sands
  • 300 billion barrels of oil supplies 5 years, this would result in delays for the need to search for alternative technologies for the future.


tar-sands can provide us with more years of oil resources, provide more jobs and countries would become richer. although it would have a big effect on the environment, because of deforestation, more water being used, and carbon emissions.  


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