
advantages and disadvanteges to stereotyping

  • Created by: leah
  • Created on: 02-06-13 13:16



  • They are helpful when we need to make snap judgements, when we don't have time to form a full impression of everyone we meet.
  • they enable us to remember information about people
  • they enable us to fit in with our grown and feel a sense of belonging


  • Most stereotypes promote harmful images
  • once children have learned them they are difficult to overcome
  • they can stop us seeing the real person when we meet someone for the first time


PRACTICAL IMPLICATION-There is an increased awareness that children do observe and imitate those around them, particularly role models from the media. This has led to a change in the way characters in children's programmes are portrayed-- a reduction in stereotypical views enables males to pursue careers previously only believed to have been suitable for females and visa versa


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