Socio-Economic Reform


Pre-Famine, over population and not enough land led to ridiculous sub-division/subsistence farming, leaving potatoes as a necessary food: hence the problems with the Famine.

Tenants would grow crops like wheat; landlords sold to GB --- continued even during the Famine.

1 million died in the Famine; some landlords made land holdings bigger and thus more economically viable.

  • Created by: Tori
  • Created on: 10-05-13 10:44



Act of union 1801

Unencumbered Estates Act  (Whigs)

Disestablishment and Disendownment of the Irish Church Act 1869 (libs)

1870 Land Act (libs)

Land League follow the Agricultural Depression of 1879 ---- responsible with the New Departure for.....

1881 Land Act

1886 and 1890 Land Purchase Acts

Congested Districts Board 1891

Wyndham's Land Act 1903


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