Should Elizabeth get married


Should Elizabeth get married


  • Could create an alliance with a foreign country and they could take power.
  • Elizabeth could produce an heir.
  • Marriage and children would prevent Mary Queen of Scots from ruling England after Elizabeth's death.


  • Foreign king could take power over England.
  • Marrying an Englishman could create problems over who had authority.
  • If she stayed unmarried, she could stay independent, she did not want to be controlled.
  • Birth was risky at that time.
  • Sister Mary's marriage to king Philip of Spain, was widely seen as a disaster and it failed to produce an heir.


Overall, by these points she should not have married (even thought she never did), as there were many points to her not marrying and if these were the points the Privy Council or the Royal Court, she would not have been able to marry without major issues.


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