Romeo And Juliet - Benvolio




  • In act 1 scene 1 Benvolio is presented as a peacemaker when he says "I do but keep the peace" which conveys he is level-headed and his maturity.
  • In act 1 scene 2 when he is comforting Romeo he says "One fire burns out another's burning, one pain is lessened by another's anguish" Suggests he is a supportive and wise friend who gives Romeo good advice, also conveys he has a close relationship with him. Metaphor for saying another pain will distract romeo.
  • In Act 3, Scene 1 before the fight happens he says "these hot days is the mad blood stirring" which could suggest he can sense a fight will happen and Shakespeare uses pathetic fallacy to use the weather to reflect on the mood of this scene and foreshadow the events that will happen.
  • After the fight happens in Act 3, Scene 1 he says "Brave Mercutio's dead: That gallant spirit hath aspired the clouds" This shows his relationship and opinion of Mercutio as he views him as a "Gallant Spirit" and "brave" which means he thought of Mercutio as a heroic and courageous character and friend. This quote also suggests he is mature as his view on death seems peaceful and there is religious imagery here which suggests Benvolio may be religious.
  • In the end of A3 S1, when he is telling everyone about what happens he says "this is the truth, or let Benvolio die" this could suggest he is very honest and truthful and would swear on his life he was telling the truth.
  • Benvolio, friend to Romeo

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brilliant stuff... awesome explanation for Benvolio. Thankyou x