Representative Realism


Representative Realism


  • Primary and Secondary Qualities -This theory explains the problem of secondary qualities, in that something about the object makes it appear red to our sense organs but it may make it appear different to another creatures sense organs. The distinction remains intact with this theory of perception.
  • Fits in with science - Modern science tells us that there is no colour, only light waves.


  • Sense Deception - Sense data that doesn't match with the object as it is, i.e. optical illusions. Also, hallucinations; there is no object behind them so it's false sense-data.
  • Perceptual Variation - Sensory apparatus differs in working for different people (a blind man will use his hearing, nose etc).
  • Different Species - Different types of perceiver and different methods of perception (i.e bats will use sonar, humans will us sight.



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