Re-militarization of the Rhineland 1936.


Re-militarization of the Rhineland 1936.


  • Britain and France were more concerned about Mussolini's invasion of Abyssinia
  • The french government was divided and would not act without British support.
  • Britain felt that Hitler was doing nothing wrong. The treaty of Versailles was unjust, and so Hitler was right to change it.


  • Hitler had successfully reversed the treaty of Versailles, which gave Hitler confidence.
  • Hitlers position in Germany strengthened- He had been right and his army and ministers were wrong. This also increased his confidence.
  • It lead to the signing of the Rome-Berlin Axis with Mussolini.
  • Some movement towards rearmament in Britain
  • Marked the end of the league of nations as a means of keeping peace.

Overall summary

Hitler gained confidence, became more respected/popular in Germany, and there was now the Rome-Berlin Axis with Mussolini. 


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