



  • Does not require physical connection between devices - this allows for no line of sight and physical obstructions between devices
  • A worldwide standard exists allowing many devices to connect
  • No need for cables
  • Devices not restricted by location
  • Money saved for phone users (by not using 3G)


  • Signal strength can be reduced by distance and obstacles
  • Can have security vulnerabilities
  • Bandwidth linked to number of connected devices
  • Restricted transfer rates for networks
  • Restricted range
  • Contention on a WAP


This is wireless communication using radio frequencies, also known as wi-fi Wireless communication which supports three main standards: 802.11b (bandwidth up to 11Mbps); 802.11g (bandwidth up to 54Mbps); 802.11n (with a higher bandwidth)  Applications: Wireless laptops in an organisation; Wireless access in hotels, internet cafes etc; Laptops used at home; Computers in the home; Mobile phones / PDAs ; Games Consoles; Printers


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