



  • Large amounts of data can be collected quickly and easily.
  • Highly replicable and easy to score.
  • Efficient in that the researcher does not need to be present while the participant completes the questionnaire.
  • This, in turn, can reduce investigator effects - reduction in the influence of interpersonal factors.


  • Generally lack flexibility.
  • Self report data - issues with validity due to social desirability.
  • Biased by motivation levels.
  • Distortion of sampling frame - only those who can read and write can take part.
  • Ambiguous phrasing of questions may make them difficult to understand.


Questionnaires are efficient as they allow large amounts of data to be collected quickly and easily and can also reduce the influence of factors such as investigator effects. However, questionnaires can lack validity due to social desirability bias which can cause people to answer in a particular way, and if questions are phrased in an ambiguous way, people may answer untruthfully as they cannot understand the question.


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