PP Phobia Critical Analysis

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 06-05-19 15:47

PP Phobia Critical Analysis


  • Behavioural adopted scientific approach that explained acquisition and maintenance
  • Biological account provides an explanation the compliments other theories and accounts for varying commonality of subtypes
  • Cognitive theories supported by evidence to explain maintenance
  • Positive approach to mental health by normalising process and taking control
  • Behavioural approach offers best treatment, with VR and imagined exposure also being useful
  • Use of primates allows to fill research gaps such as no-exposure testing
  • Use of neuroimaging shows unique components of phobia compared to other anxiety disorders


  • Many people don't recall origins of phobias and exposure event doesn't ensure phobia development
  • Biological account makes untestable assumptions about evolutionary past
  • Cognitive doesn't explain acquisition or causal pathways
  • Cultural variations in fear-relevance of stimuli/phobia focus
  • Different treatment works best for different subtypes, suggesting need for individually-taloned treatment which may not be accessible/affordable


Simple phobias may be best understood in the context of the specific subtype. Nevertheless, the main theories proposed all offer an evidence-based account of phobias that improves understanding or treatment guidance, suggesting that an integrated theory approach to specific phobias may be beneficial. 


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