Peer-to-Peer Networks

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 29-04-14 10:45

Peer-to-Peer Networks


  • Cost saving - no server is needed
  • No network manager is needed - all users take responsibility for the network
  • Easy to set up - simplest of computer networks
  • No reliance on a server
  • Low operating costs - less setup and maintenance costs
  • Peer responsibility - users decide what resources other users can use on their computer


  • Back-ups cannot be made centrally - responsibilty for own user to back up their data
  • Users need more ICT knowledge - this is because they are responsible for their own files
  • Poorer security - resources are shared
  • Some computers may run slowly - these are the computers which will have all the resources on them
  • Users may experience difficulties in finding files if they are not organised and held centrally
  • Only suitable for very small networks - fewer that 15 computers


Good for use in home and small businesses. Very popular for internet users for sharing files. All have equal status and can share each others resources - easy to get files from other people dont have to send large files on email. Can share hardware - printers, scanners etc. Not good for big businesses with alot of personal information as it will make the system slow and also it will be less secure due to the poor security.


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