Pastuer, Jenner, Koch & Crick + Watson ♡

  • Created by: melbush
  • Created on: 24-03-15 18:56

Pastuer, Jenner, Koch & Crick + Watson ♡


  • Louis Pasteur
  • Robert Koch
  • Edward Jenner
  • Francis Crick and James Watson


  • Louis Pasteur published his germ theory in 1861 | he carried out experiments to try to prove that bacteria made milk and beer go bad, and that bacteria caused disease in animals. In 1864, his theories were proved correct. He was born in France, and was a university scientist rather than a doctor.
  • Robert Koch and his research team were the first to discover a specific microbe that causes disease, known today as tuberculosis. He found these diseases from using the technology we know today as the microscopes. He was born in Germany, and was seen as an opponent to Louis Pasteur.
  • Edward Jenner proved that vaccinations prevented people catching smallpox; he based his observation on the factor that the milkmaids did not get the disease smallpox when they had cowpox from the cows they milked from daily. He was apprenticed to a surgeon at young age, and was encouraged to make his own experiments to increase his medical knowledge. He kept in contact with another famous surgeon with the last name Hunter.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the structure of human DNA and how it is passed on from parents to children; in the 1990s, the Human Genome Project began working out how exactly each part of the human DNA affects our bodies. The research to this was very expensive, funded by the government, and they had very good use of the newest technology to help them through their journey.

Overall summary

Louis Pasteur's discovery was an extremely important one; microbes were the true cause of every disease, rather than the bad air belief that everyone else knew. This allowed the work for people such as Robert Koch to begin to identifying which bacteria caused certain diseases. However, one thing that Pasteur was never certain about was what these exact diseases were, even when his own daughter came down with cholera. Without Robert Koch, other scientists would have not gotten the inspiration to go and research the causes of other diseases, such as Tuberculosis, cholera, pneumonia, meningitis and the plague, diseases that, today, some of us even get vaccinated against; scientists could now use this exact method to try and help to save more people from the diseases that were keeping the life expectancy rate at a standstill. Edward Jenner, although his discovery of vaccination was extremely important, it was disrespected by most of the public for a long time, as he was simply a farmer's boy, and he had no idea of the reasoning behind why his vaccination worked exactly: therefore, without this explanation being discovered from people such as Koch, there would have been no vaccinations nevertheless. Crick and Watson's discovery helped fix the genetic diseases which no one was aware of before, treating diseases such as diabetes, downs syndrome, cystic fibrosis and Parkinson's disease - even some forms of cancer.


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