Part B - events timeline




1839 Belgian neutrality

1872 Three Emperors' Alliance 

1881 Three Emperors' Alliance

1887 Reinsurance Treaty 

March 1890 Reinsurance Treaty Lapses 

1891 Franco-Russian political entente

1892 Franco-Russian military convention 

1894 Franco-Russian Alliance

1896 'Kruger Telegram'

1897 Bülow's 'place in the sun' speech 

1898 First German Naval Law 

1898-1901 negotiations for an Anglo-German agreement

1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance 

1904 Anglo-French agreement 

1904-5 Russo-Japanese War

1905 Schlieffen Plan devised

1905-6 Moroccan Crisis

1906 Entente Cordiale

December 1906 HMS Dreadnought

1906 Third German Naval Law

August 1907 Triple Entente

1908-9 Bosnian Crisis

1909-11 Anglo-German negotiations

April 1911 Second Moroccan crisis

1912-3 The Balkan Wars

1912 The 'War Council' Meeting 

1912 Fourth Naval Law 

1912-3 Army Law's 

1914, 28th June 

1914, 5th July 

1914, 23rd July

1914, 23-25th July

1914, 28th July

1914, 29th July

1914, 31st July

1914, 1st August

1914, 3rd August

1914, 4th August


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