Numinous expereinces are the most effective way for God to reveal himself ? Discuss [35]

  • Created by: ErinMason
  • Created on: 09-02-17 09:45

Numinous expereinces are the most effective way for God to reveal himself ? Discuss [35]


  • Definition of a Numinous experiences - 'a sense of awe and wonder that a person may experience in the presence of God, e.g. inside a church.'
  • Usually a sign that God is bigger than us, or looking at the world around us.
  • Rudolf Otto; Das Heilge, said that almost everyone has a feeling of the divine, he described God as the 'wholly other'.
  • Religion must derive from something separate from us.
  • Mysterium Tremendum et Facinans = The experience cannot be explained, the awe and terror in which we feel, we have a strange feeling towards it.
  • Soren Kirekegaard = The only way God is known is through a leap of faith, it is like two worlds the relationship between man and God. We cannot prove that God is exists but make a 'leap of faith'.
  • Fredrick Schleriermacher - Religious experiences are emotional, they are not the numinous but a dependence of the divine. This is at the heart of religion, Theology occurs when we reflect on these experiences.


  • This is not capable of being true of false (not verifiable)
  • How do we know awe and wonder is related to the divine.
  • Buber (against Otto) - Stressed the existence or a relationship without the need for the numinous.
  • I-It = viewing things as phenomena.
  • I - Thou =Taking a relationship further by 'probing deeper'.



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