Non Human Animals


Non Human Animals


  • Comparative Psychology could be used to make comparisons from animals to humans.
  • Harlow's Monkeys was important to highlight emotional developments
  • Bowlby's mono-trophy/ Attachment Theory
  • It could be used to help animals in captivity and in endangered species breeding programmes.
  • Used to improve carer/infant ratios in nursery's and parenting classes.
  • Ethological psychology is used by just observing the behaviour of animals and not interfering in their natural environment.
  • Stanford on lions and evolution of food suggests we have a desire for fatty foods in our diet so this explains the promotion of fast foods.
  • Fossey studied Gorillas and social relationships which could help us to explain our social interactions
  • Using animals as a therapeutic device has helped children with anxiety while reading aloud and can be used to benefit the emotional effects of schizophrenia and down syndrome.
  • AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy) can now be used to teach children to build social relationships and apply it within the community.
  • Gray suggests we have a special duty of care to humans.
  • Animals do not have responsibilities in society so should not have same rights.


  • Birch's 3 R's - Reduce, Refine, Replace
  • Animals Act 1986 - offers extra protection for primates, cats, dogs, horses and octopus.
  • Harlow's monkeys turned into maladjusted adult monkeys who could not socialise with other monkeys and also rejected their own babies.
  • Animals are NOT humans. There are different effects for animals and humans E.g. Paracetemol kills cats yet we use it as a method to relieve pain.
  • Ethological studies are just observations where the researcher makes their own interpretations of animal behaviour. These interpretations could be wrong.
  • There is a gender difference to consider with AAT as men tend to find pets more of an hassle than an uplift.
  • Peter Singer suggests that animals are sentient beings so therefore speciesism is a type of discrimination that is equal to racism or sexism.
  • British law requires that any new drug be tested on at least 2 species of animals, there are alot of animals being harmed or effected by the side effects.
  • Dunayer argues that animal legislation doesn't protect but instead set standards for harm (like laws relating to slavery).


There is a wide debate about whether or not it is acceptable to use animals as a means of research. Animal research is restricted for the safety of the animals within the law and also within the BPS (British Psychological Society) because of the side effects or harm it could inflict on a living being. Any new drug needs to be tested upon at least 2 animal species in order for it to be prescribed to have any sort of benefit to someone suffering mental illness so, animal research allows a much clearer understanding of side effects. There are just as many costs as benefits and vice versa so as a result we adhere to the 3 R's in order to produce the most humane outcome but some still believe that animals are NOT similar to humans so this type of research causes unnecessary suffering to animals. 


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