Natural Law - Advantages & DIsadvantages

  • Created by: Annie
  • Created on: 03-06-13 22:53

Natural Law - Advantages & DIsadvantages


  • It is universal and absolutist so it is always relevant
  • Based upon reason and not revelation - this allows for everyone to follow the principles
  • Moral law is accessible by our reason and it makes God's reason accessible to a believer because humans and God share the same rationality


  • Kai Nelson - There is no basic human nature present across all societies and cultures
  • Karl Barth - Natural Law relies too much upon reason - human reason is too corrupt to be trusted and not enough on the grace of God and revelation
  • Vardy & Grosch - Aquinas' view of human nature is too simplistic
  • G.E. Moore - Good cannot be defined through nature, it is a naturalist fallacy. Goodness is unanalysable and cannot be defined by any reference of nature


Natural Moral Law's universal and absolute nature makes it appealing because it allows everyone of every culture, faith, society to use it without it every going out of date. On the other hand, there is a lot of responsibility for people to think rationality and have similar thought processes. Some people may prefer an ethic, such as Virtue Ethic, which focuses more so upon character rather than actions especially as these can be culturally relative and developed to suit the situation as every culture has different values on what is good and what is not. 


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