Multistore Model Evaluation


Multistore Model Evaluation


  • There are easy tests that can test if your memory has been damaged
  • Many memory studies provide evidence that supports the idea that LTM and STM are separate
  • This model has been highly inluential as it has generated lots of research into memory
  • HM; his LTM memory was affected but his STM was still intact


  • The model is oversimplified, it suggests that both LTM and STM work in a single, uniform way
  • The WMM showed that STM comprised of different componants
  • All LTM is unlikely to be stored in the same store
  • Rehearsal isn't as vital as we once thought ie swimming or riding a bike


The model suggests rehearsal helps transfer information into LTM, though we are able to recall information we didn't rehearse. Though there are many studies that provide evidence for the distinction between STM and LTM in terms of capacity, duration and encoding the model is oversimplified as it suggests LTM and STM work in single, uniform ways but that isn't the case.


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