Motor & Sensory Neurones


Motor & Sensory Neurones


  • Both have cell bodies
  • Both have dendrites connected to other neurones
  • Function of a neurone is to transmit the action potential from one part of the body to another


  • Sensory neurone has long dendron & motor neurone has no dendron
  • Sensory short axon & motor long axon
  • Sensory neurone has cell body attached to dendron & motor has cell body at end of neurone
  • Sensory dendrites for from cell body & motor dendrites connect to cell body
  • Motor neurones have cell body in CNS with long axon that carries AP out to the effector
  • Sensory neurones have long dendron carrying AP from sensory receptor to cell body outside CNS

Overall comparison

Neurones are specialised cells with the following features:- Many very long transmit the AP over a long distance- CSM gated ion channels that control the entry/exit of sodium, potassium or calcium ions- Sodium potassium ion pumps that use ATP to actively transport sodium ions out of the cell & potassium ions into the cell- Maintain potential difference across the CSM- Surrounded by myelin sheath (series of Schwann cells) that insulates the neurone from electrical activity- Cell body contains nucleus mitochondria & ribosomes- 


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