Moses as a founding father


Moses as a founding father


  • In the Exodus Moses lead the Jewish people from slavery
  • He received the Ten commandments from G_d - Building a foundation of the religion
  • He worked with God to perform miracles - parting the Red sea and the Ten Plagues - acting as G_d's messenger on earth
  • Chosen by G_d as a leader for the people
  • He was prepared to give up a life of luxury and status to save his people who at this point were only slaves.


  • In Exodus 4:24-26, the passage entitled 'Zipporah at the inn' Moses is unfaithful to G_d - neglecting the rite of circumcision of his son. This shows that he is not always faithful to G_d - seriously impacting  his credibility as a founding father, who are meant to be loyal and role models.
  • Abraham is an alternative founding father, who was always loyal to G_d, walking 1100 miles and willing to sacrifice his son without question on G_d's order. This blind faith - especially considering most people were polytheistic at the time - makes him seem a more admirable choice as a role model.
  • The Hebrew people existed long before Moses - if he is the founding father then how can the religion have started before him.
  • He is widely considered a figure of legend and there are no written accounts of his existence from near the time.


Though it is difficult to form a conclusion on such a controversial topic, I consider Abraham to be the true founding father as he was always loyal, embodying the true characteristics of a founding father. Especially when considered alongside the flaws of Moses, his case seems the most convincing. However, it is important to remember that Moses was also a very important and respected figure within the religion and his contribution in shaping the religion must also be recognised.


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