Milgram (1963)

  • Created by: lilly557
  • Created on: 15-04-14 08:14

Milgram (1963)


  • study practical applications , increasing our understanding of obedience to authority
  • Milgram understood potential implications of his study and tried to return distressed participants back to their normal state


  • the experiment failed to fully meet the needs of the five guideline
  • participants were stressed and many may have been affected negatively after the study


Study had practical applications as it helped increase our understanding as to why people obey authority. Milgram did understand the potential implications of his study for example the participants were stressed and many many have been effectively negatively after the study. In order to try to resolve this Milgram tried to return the participants back to their original state. The experiment did however fail to meet the needs of the five ethical guidelines. 


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