Medicine through Time




Middle Ages 

The Renaissance 

Vesalius (1514-64)

Pare (1510-90)

Harvey (1578-1657)

John Hunter (1728-93)

Edward Jenner (1744-1823)

James Simpson (1811-1870)

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

Joseph Lister (1827-1912)

Robert Koch (1843-1910)

John Snow (1813-1858)

The Great Stink (1858)

Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890)

The Sanitary Act (1866)

Public Health Act (1875)

World War One (1914-1918)

Florey and Chain (1940s)

World War Two (1939-1945)

Booth and Rowntree 

The Boer War (1899)

Liberal social reforms

Beveridge Report (1942)

National Health Service (1948)


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