Matthew Hopkins and the East Anglian witch craze, 1645-47


Matthew Hopkins and the East Anglian witch craze, 1645-47


  • Civil War
  • assize courts were unable to function normally
  • breakdown of traditional authority
  • crop failures
  • issues with landlords and tenants
  • inflation due to the civil war
  • Hopkins and Stearne


  • disrupted everyday life for most and would have allowed for inexperienced individuals to have an influence and exert power
  • those with limited legal experience would have been invited to fill the place, leading to potential miscarriages of justice
  • the instability would spread fears of witchcraft and therefore allow the hunt to spread
  • seen as a sign from the heavens and would be easy to blame witches for people's misfortunes
  • if some didn't pay on time this could provide a motive for accusations
  • drove up prices and wages remained stagnant which led people to fall into poverty
  • together helped raise suspicion and spread the hunt

Overall summary

The effects of the civil war were the main reason for why the hunts took place because this caused a domino effect of other factors which would have caused the hunt to become widespread. Economic crisis and traditional authority would not have broken down if it was not for this


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