Mass immigration in the US

  • Created by: Lily
  • Created on: 15-04-13 20:40

Mass immigration in the US


  • Mass Immigartion to the US was caused by many different factors.
  • - Quality of life e.g starvation and homelessness
  • - Job opportunities
  • - Political/religious persecution
  • - Economic collapse


  • - Political diversity (Irish-Americans & Tammany Hall)
  • - Discrimination & tension
  • - Huge population growth despite declining birth rate
  • Religious conflict
  • Competition for jobs (many white people blamed immigrants for unemployment as they provided a cheaper labour)
  • Influence over Prohibition (many immigrants came from a backgound where social drinking was a part of their culture)
  • Nativisim grew stronger (revival of the KKK)
  • Segregation (e.g soliders were seperated in WWI)
  • Many immigration restrictions were eventually passed
  • Fear of "disloyalty" from the immigrants led to neutrality policies (especially between 1914-1917 where people feared those with origins in Germany or Austria-Hungary)

Overall summary

Overall immigration had many effects on the political and social mood of the nation. Mass immigration led to a more segregated environment, especially as immigrants would often band together and live in their own communitites, often seperate from other ethnic groups. SMall-town America in particular was worried over "alien influences". They felt diversity was a bad thing and wanted to uphold traditional moral values.


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