Lenin's legacy


Lenin's legacy


  • He restored economic stability with the NEP
  • Restored political stability-life under communist rule, equality
  • He played a major part in the defeat of the Whites by using tactics such as war communism
  • After the civil war NEP restored stability
  • He succeeded in creating a communist state with social equality: woman, schooling, church reduced power.
  • He improved the state economically by improving foreign relations ie Germany, and using the NEP


  • Lenin could have prevented the Slain regime by giving a clearer indication of who he wanted to be his successor
  • This created a power struggle which lasted until the late 1920s
  • The education system faked and brain washed
  • The NEP is seen by some to be capitalist
  • Caused massive famine with war communism
  • The police state indicates that the country is secure but not free
  • He reduced religions power and forbid certain practises
  • Because of the politburo the state is not equal - non communist


Overall I believe that Lenin's legacy was good because he can not be held responsible for the actions of Stalin, however Lenin could have made his views more clear. I also believe that Lenin succeeded in making a successfull communist state with equality for all.


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