Law Cases




Law cases - WJEC

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1.1 Common Law and Equity 

Earl of Oxford 1616

Judicature Acts 1873-1875

D&C Builders v Rees (1956)

Leaf v International Galleries (1950)

Chappell v Times Newspaper (1975)

Sky Petroleum v VIP Petroleum (1974)

Grist v Bailey (1967)

Craddock v Hunt (1923)

Warner Brothers v Nelson (1937)

Mareva Compania Nariera SA v International Bulk Carriers SA

Anton Pillar KG v Manufacturing Process Limited

Central London Property Trust LTD v High Trees House LTD (1947)

1.2 Judicial Precedent

R v Shivpuri (1987)

R v R (1991)

Jindal Iron and Steel co. Ltd. v Islamic Solidarity Shipping co Jordan inc. (2004)

Young v Bristol Aeroplane co. (1944)

1.3 Law Reform

Law Commission Act 1965

Statute Law (repeals) Act 1998

Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984)

Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997

Fox Hunting ban 2004

Murder (abolition of death penalty) Act 1965 - Sydney Silverman

1.4 Delegated Legislation

Dangerous Dogs Act 1991

Misuse od Drugs Act 1971 (mod)(no.2) order 2003

Aylesbury Mushroom LTD 1972

Customs and Excise v Cure and Deely LTD 1962

Wednesbury's unreasonableness 1947

1.5 Statutory Interpretation

Whitely v Chappell 1868

London and North Eastern Railway Co v Berriman 1946

Adler v George 1964

R v Allen 1972

R v Sigworth 1935

Smith v Hughes 1960

Elliott v Grey 1960

Royal College of Nursing v DHSS 1981

Jones v Tower Boot Co. ltd 1997

Pepper v Hart 1993

1.6 European Union Law

European Communities Act 1972

Re Tachographs; EU Commission v UK 1979

Marshall v Southampton Area Health Authority 1986

Van Duyn v Home Office 1974

Van Gend en Loos 1963

Macarthys v Smith 1979

Leonesio v Italian Ministry of Agriculture 1973

2.7 Criminal Process and Courts

Article 6 of Human Rights Act 1998

Magistrates' Court Act 1980

 Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000

Crime and Disorder Act 1988

Article 234 referral

Criminal Appeal Act 1995

2.8 Civil Process and Courts

Civil Procedure Rules 1999

2.9 Alternative Dispute Resolution and Tribunals

Part 1. Civil Procedure Rules 1998

Scott v Avery clause

Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007

2.10 CPS

1978 Phillips Royal Commission

Prosecution of Offences Act 1985

2.11 Bail

Article 5 ECHR

Bail Act 1976

Police and criminal evidence act (PACE) 1984

Criminal Justice Act 2003

Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

2.12 Jury

Juries Act 1974

Senior Court Act 1981

Ponting 1985

Contempt of Court Act 1981

R v Owen 1992

R v Taylor and Taylor 1993

R v Young 1995

R v Abdroikof 2007

2.13 Access to justice

Access to Justice Act 1999

Legal Services Commission 

Public Defenders - 2001

Criminal Defence Service Act 2006

Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 

3.14 Solicitors and Barristers

Courts and legal services act 1990

Legal Services Act 2007

3.15 Judges

Constitutional reform act 2005

Act of Settlement 1700

3.16 Magistrates

Justices of Peace act 1361

4.17 Law and Morality (also apply others)

Donoghue v Stevenson 1932

R v R 1991

4.18 Human Rights

European Convention on Human Rights - signed in 1950


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