Lady Macbeth

  • Created by: 13larsong
  • Created on: 17-04-17 08:56



  • Lady Macbeth from her first seen is evil. She is immediately thinking of murder when she hears the news of the witches. She asks for her milk to be turned to gall which is a very powerful image and gives the audience and insight on how evil and almost crazy she is.  Her personality is also quite devilish as she asks the spirits to come to her and make her the most evil she can possibly be. She also invites the thick night to cover her, this is ironic as towards the end she is scared of the dark and always has to have light with her.
  • She is a key role in the play of Macbeth. She is the character with the biggest contrast and she turns into the victim of her own mind, this means that she was the cause of her own downfall. At the beginning she is totally evil, she would bash out her own babies brains, whereas in the last moments before her death she is like a baby, confused and scared. She also says that a little water will wash the blood of their hands and Macbeth thinks that her needs the 7 oceans to do that, whereas at the end Macbeth has now taken the lead role and LM is the weak one.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Lady Macbeth at the beginning of the play is evil, there is no other way to describe her. She asks to be made into a devil and that she would destroy her own baby. This is a huge contrast too the end of the play as she kills herself. She has completely come to the end and her state of mind has gone. She sees the blood on her hands and constantly is reminded of the murder. In the play the blood represents guilt and she constantly has it on her hands.
  • She is a very unstable character who asks for her life to be ruined. She desperately wants to be queen and in the end her ambition causes her downfall this is the same as Macbeth, and they both share the same burning ambition to become royalty. They kill so many people to get to the position that it becomes tedious, this sums them up. They are both crazy and want the same thing, to be King.


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