Kidney Transplant and Dialysis

  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 21-04-16 19:21

Kidney Transplant and Dialysis


  • Kidney transplant is completed once and doesn't require weekly hospital treatments.
  • Kidney transplant allows patients to lead a normal life.
  • There is no shortage of dialysis machines
  • Kidney transplant is only expensive initially.


  • Shortage of kidneys
  • Dialysis is expensive in the long term
  • With dialysis patients have to stick to a strict diet.
  • Dialysis patients require treatment 3 times a week, each lasts for 4 hours.
  • With a kidney transplant patients have to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their life.
  • Kidney transplants generally last for around 8 years. The immune system can reject the transplant immediately or slowly after a few years.


Overall I think dialysis is a better kidney failure treating method at this current time. Although it requires a strict diet and frequent hospital visits, it does not require transplant surgery which the body may reject and only lasts around 8 years. Also there is no shortage of dialysis machines but there are of kidneys.


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