Jury advantages and disadvantages

  • Created by: Fahmida
  • Created on: 09-05-13 18:17

Jury advantages and disadvantages


  • Helps with public confidence, Magna Carter the right to be trialed by ones peers.
  • Secrey of jury, everything inside the room has to stay secreat.
  • Fair choice as the jurors are not allowed to take any sides of both parties.


  • People may be forced into becoming a juror, whether they want to or not.
  • Some cases may have disturbing evidence which may effect the jurors when giving the verdict e.g. Baby P
  • Preverse verdicts, jurors may make the wrong decision without knowing at the time e.g Randle v Pottle


Jury are people who have been randomly selected by the electric register to come to the court and decide on the facts of a case, along with 11 other people (12 altogether) and everyone has to attend even judges.


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